Friday, June 19, 3p-5p (Eastern)
Tuesday, June 23, 11a-1p (Eastern)
Welcome!! Before the conference, we have some “homework”.
First, we have two shared readings, and we hope to do some asynchronous annotations using
You can sign up for here.
In order to use it, please download a Chrome extension or a browser bookmarklet here.
We will annotate in the group "icls2020ParticipResearch". You can join the group here. When you log in to annotate, make sure your annotations are in this group rather than "public". (here is more information about annotating in groups)
Your annotations might raise #questions you have, or describe some #tensions you notice or experience while reading. Or you may simply have a comment to share. These will serve to provide some shared ground, and spark some conversation for us.
Please get in touch with Jasmine ( if you have any trouble; I'd be glad to help you out if I can!
Our shared readings are:
Torre, M. E., Fine, M., Alexander, N., Billups, A. B., Blanding, Y., Genao, E., et al. (2008). Participatory action research in the contact zone. In J. Cammarota & M. Fine (Eds.), Revolutionizing education: Youth participatory action research in motion (pp. 23–47). New York, NY: Routledge.
Bang, M., & Vossoughi, S. (2016). Participatory design research and educational justice: Studying learning and relations within social change making. Cognition and Instruction, 34, 173–193.
Second, we will be using "padlet" in our meetings together. To familiarize yourself, please feel free to join this padlet and introduce yourself! You will see a "plus" sign on the bottom right of your screen which will allow you to add a new note. You can also drag files in. Have fun!
With care, and looking forward,
Workshop Organizers (Sarah C. Radke, Rishi Krishnamoorthy, Colin Hennessy Elliott, Sarah Switzer, Jasmine Y. Ma)